How to Grant User Access to Registers

In RelianSys Compliance, Monitor, Risk or Audit modules when a Register has been subscribed or created and populated, Users will need to be granted access to the Register. 

If a User logs in and has a blank Dashboard or if they are receiving notifications about an Obligation, Record, Audit or Risk but cannot access it, they have not been granted access to the relevant Register.

The process for granting access varies slightly so please click the relevant module below for instructions:

Compliance - How to Grant Register Access

  1. Log into the Dashboard
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Select the option User Register Access
  4. Click on the dropdown arrow in the Select User Id/Login box, find the User you want to grant access to, select it and click the Select Users button
  5. The User Register Access Screen has 3 boxes: 1) is named Users to be Updated (that is the User you are looking at), 2) is Registers Available and it will contain a list of the Registers that are Available on the system (that this User does not have access to currently) and 3) is Registers Accessed To and that has all of the Registers that the User does have access to.
  6. To grant access, click on a Register in the Registers Available box and click on the > arrow to move it into the Registers Accessed To box, double clicking it will also work.
  7. Hit Save/Update Changes and the User will now have access to those Registers.

Monitor - How to Grant Register Access

  1. Log into the Dashboard
  2. Click on Setup
  3. Select either Allocate Users to Register or Allocate Registers to User. Allocate Users to Register will prompt you to select a Register and then permit you to grant access to the Register on a per User basis. Allocate Registers to User will prompt you to select a Register and allow to grant access to that User on a per Register basis.
  4. There are two boxes in either option. Allocate Users to Register displays the Available Users in one box (those that have valid ids on the system) and Access Granted in the other (those that already have access) to the Register. Allocate Registers to User shows the Available Registers in one box and the Access Granted in the other. In either option place a tick in the Register or User you want to grant access to and click the > arrow to grant the access then click Save.

Risk - How to Grant Register Access

  1. Log into the Dashboard
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Select User Register Access
  4. Click on the dropdown arrow in the Select User Id/Login box, find the User you want to grant access to, select it and click the Select Users button
  5. The User Register Access Screen has 3 boxes: 1) is named Users to be Updated (that is the User you are looking at), 2) is Registers Available and it will contain a list of the Registers that are Available on the system, but that this user does not have access to and 3) Registers Accessed To and that has all of the Registers that the User does have access to.
  6. To grant access, click on a Register in the Registers Available box and click on the > arrow to move it into the Registers Accessed To box, double clicking it will also work.
  7. Hit Save/Update Changes and the User will now have access to those Registers.

Audit - How to Grant Register Access

  1. Log into the Dashboard
  2. Click on Setup
  3. Select User Audit Register Access
  4. Click on the dropdown arrow in the Select User Id/Login box, find the User you want to grant access to, select it and click the Select Users button
  5. The User Audit Register Access Screen has 3 boxes: 1) is named Users to be Updated (that is the User you are looking at), 2) is Registers Available and it will contain a list of the Registers that are Available on the system, but that this User does not have access to and 3) Registers Accessed To and that has all of the Registers that the User does have access to.
  6. To grant access, click on a Register in the Registers Available box and click on the > arrow to move it into the Registers Accessed To box, double clicking it will also work.
  7. Hit Save/Update Changes and the User will now have access to those Registers.