Many organisations now operate within increasingly complex regulatory environments. Globally, regulation is constantly expanding, accompanied by penalties making compliance management a major strategic risk.
RelianSys® Compliance reduces the complexity, uncertainty and risk associated with meeting compliance obligations – delivering a new level of control.
Automation does the heavy lifting in deploying responsibility and verifying compliance performance, and the provision of online legislative content makes maintaining registers easy.
Automates responsibility deployment saving time, effort and potential for errors
Easy-to-understand real-time reports provide management an instant compliance status
Automated reminder and escalation alerts ensure effective compliance management
Provides evidence obligations are met, and the assurance of an ISO 19600 compliant system
RelianSys® Compliance combines intuitive workflows with online legislative content, delivered through a cloud-based software application.
The software drives efficiency by automating the hard work of deploying responsibility and verifying compliance performance.
Our tailored registers are delivered to your desktop and provide detailed obligations contained in Acts and Regulations so you can see exactly what is required. This means your compliance efforts are focused on the things that matter without the burden of reviewing volumes of ever-changing legislation.
You can deploy compliance management by assigning responsibility for each obligation to ensure it is effectively managed and maintained.